jaguar xkr
The jaguar xk 8 xkr rear Suspension is generally very well in operation. Assembly and associated parts are based on the jaguar CS 300 Provan system, which in turn is based on the old system was based jaguar xj 40. However, it begins to present difficulties to be aware of the xk 8 / xkr owners. So far, the following are the main issues and jaguar xk 8 xkr Touch Suspension Assembly parts
2011 jaguar xkr
Although the design is based on old CS 300 rear Suspension, a new amendment to meet cat. This will improve the comfort and driveabiliti of the machine, Spring Stiffness and Improved to increase the electronic Adaptive Dampers under electronic control. Sensor on the front and back of the machine monitor road conditions and action and to change or enhance electronic shock Absorber soften. In the beginning of a source of default harder confirm and then as a level road is soft. Settings are in mikro - settings such as breaking, Cornering and road conditions affect the change machine. When is a car with cat and rear Suspension does not work Effectively, it could be a problem with Electrical connections will be in shock Harness. Over time, the Shocks can actually work, because Electrical connections can be drawn from the Rotation. This may require replacement xkr convertible
As in other areas of the xk 8 / xkr change rear shock Absorbers is not as easy as it might look like. First, the rear Suspension to be released and Lowered several inches. A slim especially Spring Compressor is needed to allow the release of the damper spring unit. Then Compressed spring, the pivot pin removed and taken into the situation. If so, for lack of space Prevents strong in the region and the bottom of the spring Compressor, this will be cut with a small corner founder will
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